Brady is finally starting to seem interested in some of his toys. He watches the mobile in his crib and swing, and he moves the toys hanging on his play gym and bouncer seat. His head is getting stronger everyday and he continues to hold it up for longer periods of times. My favorite thing is how much he smiles now, especially in the morning when he first gets up. He also is starting to look at the tv more. On Sunday we were watching a basketball game and he hardly moved his eyes away from the tv. We are starting him early with the sports, and hope that he decides to become an athlete in the future.
On Friday evening my BFF's Brandy and Jennifer came for a short visit. I was so excited to see them and we spent Saturday morning shopping. We definately have to plan more get togethers. Joe stayed home and did some much needed yard work for spring time. On Easter Sunday we didn't do anything exciting. I had to work a little and then I made a ham for dinner. We just enjoyed time with our little family!!